虽然您可以在编辑图表时设置自己的默认样式(并保存在浏览器中),但管理员可以将自定义全局默认样式信息添加到 Confluence Cloud 中的 draw.io 配置中。
"defaultVertexStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf", "strokeWidth":"1"},
"defaultEdgeStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "edgeStyle":"orthogonalEdgeStyle", "rounded":"1", "jettySize":"auto", "orthogonalLoop":"1", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf"}
While you can set your own default style while editing a diagram (and this is saved in your browser), an administrator can add custom global default style information to the draw.io configuration in Confluence Cloud.
"defaultVertexStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf", "strokeWidth":"1"},
"defaultEdgeStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "edgeStyle":"orthogonalEdgeStyle", "rounded":"1", "jettySize":"auto", "orthogonalLoop":"1", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf"}
Now, whenever a new user creates a diagram, shapes added to the drawing canvas will follow this style.
Your personal defaults are stored in your browser. If you clear your browser data, these settings will be erased, and you will return to using the global default styles.
This resets the default style to the global defaults. If an administrator has set up a custom default style, this is what shapes will use when you add them to the drawing canvas.