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为形状和连接器设置自定义默认样式在 Confluence Cloud 中设置全局自定义样式

选择字号: 超大 标准 发布时间:2022-08-10 22:40 | 作者:admin


虽然您可以在编辑图表时设置自己的默认样式(并保存在浏览器中),但管理员可以将自定义全局默认样式信息添加到 Confluence Cloud 中的 draw.io 配置中。

  • defaultVertexStyle设置形状的默认样式。
  • defaultEdgeStyle设置连接器的默认样式。

在 Confluence Cloud 中设置全局自定义样式

  1. 转到 Confluence Cloud 设置的draw.io 配置部分。
  2. 将样式设置添加到draw.io 配置选项卡上的 JSON 文本输入区域。确保这两个选项中的每一个都被格式化为一行。
  3. 要查找更多键值对,请在编辑器中的 draw.io 图表中设置形状或连接器所需的样式,然后单击格式面板样式选项卡中的编辑样式,或使用键盘快捷键( )。由于此配置会覆盖从其他样式或主题继承的所有其他内容,因此建议为尽可能少的键/值对设置新的默认值。Ctrl+ECmd+E
  4. 完成后单击保存
    管理员可以在 Confluence Cloud 设置中为 draw.io 图表中的形状和连接器设置全局自定义默认样式
  "defaultVertexStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf", "strokeWidth":"1"},
  "defaultEdgeStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "edgeStyle":"orthogonalEdgeStyle", "rounded":"1", "jettySize":"auto", "orthogonalLoop":"1", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf"}


用于 Confluence Cloud 的 draw.io 中的自定义默认样式可让您更快地创建有吸引力的图表。


  1. 在编辑图表时,将形状的样式更改为您想要使用的默认样式。
  2. 选择它,然后在格式面板的样式选项卡中单击设置为默认样式。
  3. 重复连接器样式。

为 Confluence Cloud 的 draw.io 中的形状和连接器设置新的个人默认样式



  1. 确保您的图表中没有任何内容被选中。
  2. 单击格式面板中样式选项卡底部的清除默认样式。


清除您的个人默认样式并返回使用管理员在 Confluence Cloud 中定义的默认样式



Set custom default styles for shapes and connectors

While you can set your own default style while editing a diagram (and this is saved in your browser), an administrator can add custom global default style information to the draw.io configuration in Confluence Cloud.

  • defaultVertexStyle sets the default style for shapes.
  • defaultEdgeStyle sets the default style for connectors.

Set up global custom styles in Confluence Cloud

  1. Go to the draw.io Configuration section of your Confluence Cloud settings.
  2. Add the style settings to the JSON text entry area on the draw.io Configuration tab. Make sure that each of the two options is formatted as a single line.
  3. To find more key and value pairs, set the style you want on a shape or connector in a draw.io diagram in the editor, and click Edit Style in the Style tab of the format panel, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E (Cmd+E). As this configuration overrides everything else inherited from other styles or themes, it is recommended to set new defaults for as few key/value pairs as possible.
  4. Click Save when you are finished.
    Administrators can set global custom default styles for shapes and connectors in draw.io diagrams in the Confluence Cloud settings
  "defaultVertexStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf", "strokeWidth":"1"},
  "defaultEdgeStyle": {"fontFamily":"Courier New", "edgeStyle":"orthogonalEdgeStyle", "rounded":"1", "jettySize":"auto", "orthogonalLoop":"1", "fillColor":"#dae8fc", "strokeColor":"#6c8ebf"}

Now, whenever a new user creates a diagram, shapes added to the drawing canvas will follow this style.

Custom default styles in draw.io for Confluence Cloud let you create attractive diagrams, faster.

As a user, change your personal default styles

  1. While editing a diagram, change the style of a shape to be what you want to use by default.
  2. Select it, then in click on Set as Default Style in the Style tab of the format panel.
  3. Repeat for the connector style.

Set a new personal default style for shapes and connectors in draw.io for Confluence Cloud

Your personal defaults are stored in your browser. If you clear your browser data, these settings will be erased, and you will return to using the global default styles.

Reset personal default styles

  1. Make sure nothing in your diagram is selected.
  2. Click on Clear Default Style at the bottom of the Style tab in the format panel.

This resets the default style to the global defaults. If an administrator has set up a custom default style, this is what shapes will use when you add them to the drawing canvas.

Clear your personal default style and return to using the default styles defined by an administrator in Confluence Cloud



