为 Confluence
Cloud 许可证获取免费的 draw.io
如果您是 Atlassian
合作伙伴,或者您的组织是慈善机构,您可以申请免费的 draw.io 以获得 Confluence Cloud 许可证。
Confluence Cloud 实例的 URL ( xyz.atlassian.net)。
为 Confluence Cloud
安装免费的 draw.io 许可证
Confluence Cloud设置并在Atlassian
Marketplace部分 中选择管理应用程序。
Get a free draw.io for Confluence Cloud license
If you are an Atlassian partner, or your organisation is charitable body, you
can apply for a free draw.io for Confluence Cloud license.
File a support ticket via email to support@draw.io detailing
your organisation’s status and the URL of your Confluence Cloud instance (xyz.atlassian.net).
If your organisation qualifies, we will let you know you when your free license
is set up at our end.
Install your free draw.io license for Confluence Cloud
As an administrator, go to your
Confluence Cloud Settings and
select Manage apps in the Atlassian
Marketplace section.
Stop any trial and remove any existing
license, otherwise you may be charged.
After this, draw.io will be shown as unlicensed. This is correct, and your app
will work properly as long as your domain is set to be a free license in our